The Marietta
Adding vibrancy to Massachusetts Avenue, The Marietta aims to elevate the live / work / play experience along this vital corridor – an urban infill project adding to the historic Marott Center, The Marietta builds on the city’s cultural heritage and draws from its diverse identity and innovative spirit to reflect an authentic Indianapolis.
Respecting the neighborhoods historic roots, The Marietta is directly connected to the Marott Center through a glazed transitional element that is the main lobby for both buildings. The project capitalizes on the character of the existing context characteristic of the brick corridor of buildings that line Mass Ave but does so in a modern aesthetic by simplifying the details and removing the ornament.
The project is a positive contribution to the neighborhood, encourages enterprise, and reinforces Massachusetts Avenue as a thriving place to live, work, and play. With ground level commercial space, the building activates the street and supports the vibrancy of pedestrian activity. With its unique corner location, the façade monitor wraps around the corner onto Vermont Street marking the importance of the corner continuing the energy onto Vermont.
LocationIndianapolis, Indiana, USA
- ClientGershman Partners
- TypeMixed Use / Residential / Office
- Size24 Units / 30,000 F²
AwardsAIA Indiana | Citation Award2019AIA Indianapolis | Citation Award2019