With an eye on design and aesthetic, John’s attention is always attuned to feasibility and quality of craftsmanship.
John brings a unique perspective to each project by first thinking through how it will be built. This deep, analytical focus informs his decision process and enables him to refine designs in a way that enhances their functionality.
John is a Ghost Lab 8 participant, a graduate of the UNC-Charlotte Master of Architecture program and spent two years in northern California working on commercial and residential design, in addition to construction consulting with Thomas Anderson before coming to STUDIOAXIS. John has a passion for building and architecture that was sparked by an exposure to construction at an early age. Now, with over a decade of professional experience and a background as a licensed builder, John’s knowledge of construction techniques and processes gives him a keen insight into the viability of concepts. His construction background is also reflected in his dedication to clear communication with contractors via detailed drawings that understand construction sequences thoroughly.
John has worked on projects of all typologies and scales at STUDIOAXIS, including legacy projects like Lincoln Apartments Veterans Housing, a LEED Platinum-certified development that provides housing for US Veterans. John strives to envision projects as a whole, taking into consideration every element, from budget to aesthetic. Although each projects brings its own unique challenges, the common thread that weaves through all his work is precision, with a highly detailed and technical approach.